World Ozone Day 2022: Quotes, Slogans, Theme and Posters

World Ozone Day 2022

To address the problem of climate change, the country celebrates Ozone Day on 16 September, this day reminds the signing of the protocol to protect the ozone layer See Ozone Day 2022 and plan to inform about the layer and share it for awareness.

World Ozone Day 2022: Quotes, Slogans, Theme and Posters

World Ozone Day is celebrated every year on 16 September to attract attention and to the protection of the ozone layer and to make people aware about the problem of depletion of the ozone layer.

Why is World Ozone Day celebrated on 16 September?

World Ozone Day was designated by the United Nations General Assembly on 16+ September and it was created on 19 December 2000 to commemorate the date in 1987 when countries signed the Monitor Protocol on Substances that Destroy the Ozone Layer. The reason why Monitor Control began as a global agreement to protect the ozone layer.

World Ozone Day 2022 Theme

The theme of World Ozone Day 2022 is Global Cooperation to Protect Life on Earth. The theme also invites the various ways we can help in the fight against climate change.

World Ozone Day 2022 Quotes in English

 1. “Wishing you a very Happy World Ozone Day and also reminding you that we all need ozone for our survival and therefore, we all must protect it"

2. “Let’s take an oath to protect the ozone layer and save life on earth this World Ozone Day!”

3. “On the occasion of World Ozone Day, let us save ozone to give our generations the protection we were born with."

4. “Protect the ozone today or tomorrow you may be in dismay.”

5. “Earth without the ozone layer is like a house without a roof; Save the Ozone layer.”

World Ozone Day 2022 Slogans

1. Save ozone, save earth

2. Reduce depletion of ozone, otherwise you will be in the Redzone.

3. Deal today with Ozone for a Better tomorrow

4. Go green, go genius, stamp the carbon, stand tall, and stitch the ozone layer.

5. You don't have to be a mayor to help protect the ozone layer.

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